Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Kōtare Learning Hub

Kōtare - the Kingfisher

It has taken a few weeks but we have finally come up with our new team name before moving into our new flexible learning space. This beautiful little blue bird is to be our symbol and team name for the next few years. You will see why we have chosen this little, vibrantly coloured, bird, when you first visit our very 'blue' new space. 

Everyone is getting a little excited now about the move as it seems to have taken so long to actually happen. Teachers are busily planning how the new space will work most effectively and what type of furniture we may need.

Camp is just around the corner for our team of 74 children and we just hope for a bit warmer weather that week.

As part of our writing program we have shared postcards with a class in the North Isalnd. We received our postcards from St Joseph's School in Pukekohe today and the kids had a great time putting together the puzzle these created. Need to do this type of activity more often. Our next correspondence will be letters to the children at the orphanage in Pokhara in Nepal - kids seem excited to be writing to Nepal again as many of them did this last year as well.

When we put the postcards together this was the message. Loved the colour the Pukekohe students  added to their work.
All very focussed on piecing the puzzle together.

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