Thursday, August 6, 2015

Tall Ferns vs Japan

Yesterday a select group of our basketball players had the opportunity to attend the warm up game between the Tall Ferns and Japan. While we did not win against our formidable opponents, finally losing 58-75 the NZ team put up a good fight and had some moments of brilliance. The group of kids who went thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and contributed to the noise around the place. Our banners were the best there and many peole took photos. A great day out.

Tessa Boagni, one of the stars of the team being swamped for selfies with our kids. A lovely young lady from Christchurch who dealt with all the hype really well and who is a very handy player on the court.

Chloe and Mia looking resplendent in Canterbury uniforms after competing in a half time on court competition.
Our awesome banners, as you can see by the empty seats behind us we got there early and all ready for the fun to begin. This actually paid off as we saw the complete warm-up and got the attention of the team, organiser and management etc. which was pretty cool.
All eyes on the centre court action.
The singing of the national anthems.

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