Thursday, April 30, 2015

Maths and Literacy in S6

As part of their maths programme children get the opportunity to play maths learning games on the iPad, always a popular choice. Today Daniel is checking the time in other parts of the world, after our earlier conversation about time differences around the world.
In writing last time we looked at how to stretch a sentence. Today we are going over this and remembering to add who, what, when, where and why to our sentences.

Another example of how to make a sentence using who, what, when and where. This could be built up to include WHY? as children become better writers.
Children wanted to know if they could change the order in their sentences and many added the reason for what was happening. They came up with some interesting sentences and raced each other to come up with weird and wonderful sentences about what their siblings or pets were doing. Great fun.

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