Sunday, November 30, 2014

Two Weeks to go.

A busy two weeks ahead. Tomorrow is supposed to be skate school, but weather not looking too great so probably unihoc in the hall instead.
Week Eight
Monday - Skate Skool
Tuesday - river challenge to Ashley River so hoping the weather improves.
Wednesday - technology (last time for the year 8 pupils). 
Friday - shared lunch and fun activities including making christmas cards with our buddy class J8.
Week Nine
Monday - Funday with a swim at Dudley pool followed by a shared lunch and hopefully some fun at the park - although again long range forecast not the best.
Wednesday - Year 8 big day out at Jellie Park 
Thursday - Year 8 Formal.
Friday - 
Week Ten
Monday - Final Assembly 1.30pm
Tuesday - Final Day 12.30 finish.

And to top it all off we are frantically packing up classrooms ready for the big move. Thankfully I have a classroom full of willing and able helpers who are only too keen to help.

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