Wednesday, November 22, 2017


We started the year with 76 children and have lost a few and gained a few along the way with our current roll being 79 children. What a year it has been – even the children are saying how fast the year has gone by. Our last two terms in our new space have been very settled and peaceful despite negative media hype about the failure of Modern Learning Environments.


The children have adjusted very well to their new space and we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this group of children and watching them grow as young people. We will all miss them as a group next year and wish them all the best for the future.


A few housekeeping items for the end of year that you all need to be aware of.

·      Super heroes dress up next Friday 1st Dec.

·      First Aid class – please bring a gold coin donation, which will go to St. John’s Ambulance.

·      Final week – shared lunch. We will send a reminder closer to the time.

We will put photos of these events up as they happen - so keep watching.

Also congratulations to 17 students who helped at the junior athletics day a few weeks ago. These students will have a pizza lunch tomorrow at Victoria Park with Mrs Fawkes.  Awesome effort.

In week 8 - good luck to Alex, Luka, Molly, Kobe and Theo in your athletic endeavours at the Canterbury Champs. Well done on making it through to this competition.

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