Sunday, October 19, 2014

Team Challenges Week One

At the start of the week we began setting up teams for our team challenge activities. Groups of four students worked together to complete various challenges, some better than others, but all agreed that it was great fun and many learnt some important skills about working together in a team.
Fishing has never been so much fun. The challenge was to catch three mouse-traps after making your fishing rod.
All concentration for this activity.
No they haven't seen a mouse. This challenge, called 'overcrowded island', required
the team to balance together on a small 'island' (square of paper).

Lots of fun and love the big smiles. But showed real team work.
'Blind tent pitching' one team member was sighted with all others blindfolded. Lots of laughs.
I know you are there somewhere!!!
Is this the right way up??
The great ballon challenge, using 20 balloons and sellotape, the race is on to
complete the tallest balloon tower.

Not sure that this will be self-supporting.

It will work if I stand here and hide behind the balloons.

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