Thursday, June 5, 2014

Welcome to Winter

Winter seems to have hit with some very cold temperatures in the last week or so. Please make sure that you are properly dressed for all conditions at school. A jersey is a must at this time of year and it would be sensible to have a jacket in your bag, that is windproof and waterproof, at all times. 

Planning for our upcoming ski-trip is well under way and I will keep you as up-to-date as possible about what is needed and when. Start looking for gear to wear on the day. Some things are non-negotiable and we will be checking before we leave that children have all the relevant gear.

Gear that is absolutely needed

  • waterproof jacket
  • waterproof pants
  • waterproof gloves
  • warm hat
  • sunglasses/googles
  • warm layers of clothing, e.g. thermals.
Check out the pictures in the next few days of what you should be wearing on the ski-field.
Remember there are many options for accessing gear - check out the second hand shops, online traders, or ask neighbours and friends.

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