Monday, October 21, 2019

Welcome to Term Four

Let the fun begin.

  • Athletics day tomorrow - all going well. Rakahuri Champs on November 7th for all those who beat the standards and make the next realm of competition.
  • Show weekend 14th-17th November
  • CAMP 27th - 29th November
  • 16th December last half day of school.
We have lots happening this term and will try to keep you updated each week with photos and notes on what is happening for the last nine weeks. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Success in Kōtare

Haven't shared on here for a while so probably time to start adding some gems from Term 2. This term seems to be slipping by really fast. Today our top runners competed at the North Canterbury Cross Country champs with mixed success. It was a great day for running and our kids all tried their best.

Special shout out to these two young lads who got first and second, way to go Leo and Luke.
These boys will now go on to compete at the Canterbury Champs on June 19th at Halswell Quarry. We wish them all the best for this next level of competition.

Friday, March 22, 2019


In the wake of the dreadful events of last week we came together as a school to commemorate the loss of so many lives within our community of Aotearoa. The children all dressed in bright colours and bought coins to add to our coin trail. The total donations were $1013 - a great effort by our tamariki and their families.  We also held an assembly with much singing and a minute of silence. This was followed by 2 minutes of silence at 1:40pm, which much of the school attended.

The word manaakitanga is one of our values, and simply means 'I respect and value others'. A good sentiment at this time when our lives have been thrown into turmoil.


Science, technology, engineering and maths. We are currently using a great resource which covers all these areas. Our year 6 group are seen here making simple projectors and discussing how light  is absorbed and can create shadows. These kids love experimenting, researching and making. Always a fun class to work with.
TASK: Design and create two symbols for a superhero signal that can be projected onto the wall.
Some how they forgot about the superheros along the way but had fun creating their own 'signals'.

Seed Swap

Recently we had Lesley in to talk to our class about the seed swap program at the library, and enlist the help of our students to collect seeds, make bags for them, and put them into packets. The kids learnt a lot about what to plant and when, and all about the benefits of the seed swap program. Our payment was some seeds for our own garden here at school.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Book Character Dress Up

Book Week Character Dress Up

What a fun time we have had chatting about which book character we were dressed up as and who had read those particular books!

Check out the awesome costumes some have worn.  Thanks parents for helping make a big effort and recycling old clothing to create new costumes!!  


Our favourite time of year (well anytime we can dress up and the three of us go wild). Great to see all the kids costumes today and the level of participation. Great chatter about books and the characters that were being represented.