Thursday, December 13, 2018

Celebrating our 2018 High Performers!

Academic Excellence and 

Excellent Progress Awardees

Congratulations to Flint, Ella-Jess and Cody for Academic Excellence throughout 2018
Congratulations to Violeta, Ashton and Harry for Excellence Progress throughout 2018

 Year 5/6 Top Achievement Awardees

Congratulations to Sami for the Year 5/6 Academic Award
Congratulations to Ella for the Year 5/6 General Excellence Award
Congratulations to Addison for Achievement and Dedication in the Arts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Superhero Dress Up Day 2018

Superhero Dress Up Day
Wednesday 7th November

What a fabulous day we had!  Some of the kids made a huge effort and came to school with incredible costumes.

Take a look and see if you can spot your superhero!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Busy Term 4

This term is flying past and we still have so much to do. As teachers we have reports to write and events to organise. This is our crazy term as we get  your children ready for next year at school and try to fit in all the requirements to successfully finish off a great year.

The children are completing their 'passion projects' where they have shown a great deal of enthusiasm and skill in teaching their skills to others in the school. They have been excellent role models and taken their role as teachers very seriously - we have been thrilled with the outcomes they have achieved.

The next four weeks
Week 3
Tuesday 30th Oct,
School Athletics Day

This is an all day
event beginning at 9.15am
and going until 2.45pm.

Mufti day to raise funds
for kapahaka uniforms.
Gold coin donation.
Week 4
Monday 5th November
School Closed

Tuesday 6th November

Friday 9th November
This is an all day,
professional development
day for teachers.

Rakahuri Athletics for an
champion athletes.

Superhero dress-up day.
Week 5
Wednesday (not yet confirmed)
is a proposed strike day and
Thursday and Friday are part of
Show Weekend Holiday.
Week 6
Monday - Miss Hix and ½
of Mrs Jolly’s class
Tuesday - Mr Bell and the
other half of Mrs Jolly’s class.

This event will need
4-5 parents from each class.

A letter will come home
outlining our programme.
These lessons will take place
in week 6 & 7.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Loud Shirt/SuperHero Dress Up Day

Friday 28th September
What a lot of fun we have had dressing up to raise funds for children to get funding for Cochlea Hearing Implants.

Here is what we dressed up like!  

What a colourful bunch!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Year 6 Printmaking 2018

Thursday 13th September

The Year 6 have been using their Thursdays while the Year 7's have been at technology to learn about Printmaking.  We read the Māori legend "How the Kiwi Lost his Wings."  Each child selected a native bird of their choice and they have carved their design onto wood.  From this 'block' they have made prints which look amazing.

We then recarved our wood block and reprinted over the top of our initial print.  This has allowed the bottom colour to show through and highlight parts of our design.

Check out the powerpoint of us in action.  Our finished products will be up in our Kōtare space by the end of the term.  Be sure to come for a visit!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Beeswax Wraps

In the last week of school we made beeswax wraps, thanks to the support of Lesley Ottey from Eco Educate who supplied the beeswax and expertise. This was a very popular activity with the kids as they strive to make a difference and reduce their plastics waste. It has been a great week where the children have focussed on healthy lunches and also rubbish free lunches. We look forward to continuing this next term with a POD by POD challenge with the groups around us.

It was great to see so many of the kids using their beeswax wraps over the last two days of the term.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ki o rahi

Today Jesse and Nick had their last lesson with our POD before they embark on other endeavours. Nick is going onto work with Canterbury basketball youth and Jesse is going back to the cluster he came from. These young NCSRT coaches have done a great job teaching our young people new skills and our children have responded well by participating fully in all lessons.
Today we learnt  some of the rules of playing Ki O Rahi and the kids had a great time learning a new game they had never played before. Watch the clip below to learn more about the game.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Haiku About War

War is loud gunfire
Bombs explode all around me
Poppy’s remind us

Image result for poppy fields

War is a loud place.
Screams are heard ,guns are firing.
Mayhem everywhere.

War is torture
Lives of many anzacs lost
War was tragedy
Image result for war

Soldiers are falling
War is a catastrophe
Hiding all night long.
Image result for red poppies with crosses

War is terrible.
Red poppies for our Anzacs.  
We fight to the end.

War is terrible
People covered in red blood
We will remember.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Mail from Dawson School

We love getting mail, and today we especially enjoyed opening our mail from Room 18 at Dawson School in Otara. We really loved reading the found poem and reading the metaphors then putting together the poster. This is a great initiative by NZ Post and Warehouse Stationery to get kids across NZ writing to each other.

So thanks Room 18 from Dawson Creek, love the colour, love the metaphors and love the found poem - great work.

The other two classes in our POD also received mail and we will share pictures about this early next week.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Northbrook Waters Walk

A successful and fun day walking to Matawai Park for an easter hunt, rubbish pickup, games and lunch. Then on to North Brook Waters to meet with Parks Officer Dan who informed us about the area and answered lots of questions.
Dan talking to the students about the wildlife found in the area. Previously we stopped to look at harakeke and kanuka which grows along the edges of the lake.
One or two tired bods after walking to the park - little did they realise we still had to walk back to school which would test the patience of a few.
A bit hard to see but a pukeko on the left (yes they can swim) visiting a swan who has made a nest on a small island in the middle of the lake.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Modern Technology

These spheroid balls which Leanne has introduced to our year 6 group have been an absolute hit. The class are learning to code the movement of the sphero, and learning some very practical uses of coding.
We are seeing some real engagement from the students, and they are like sponges when it comes to learning anything new that involves technology. Great thing is, this does require a level of reading skill, numeracy knowledge and teaches science skills as well (mainly physics), so lots of learning going on.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Tennis Skills

This morning was lawn bowls and this afternoon tennis skills. It has been a few full on days of juggling sport lessons and class lessons.
A few hand eye coordination activities before they are let loose with a tennis racket.
Working on our listening skills.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Turbo Touch

Warming up to play turbo touch by playing monkeys and monsters. Our second lesson on the skills needed to play this exciting adaptation of touch. Logan has been putting the kids through their paces in this five lesson module.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Tech and ICT with our Year 6 learners.

Students working on their blogs and coding. All fully engaged in their work.

Students choose many different spaces to work in the room, with many opting to wear headphones.

Year 6 students learning how to use their technology skills. This week they looked at how to slow the descent of a Lego man to the ground from a height.

All concentration.