Welcome Back to 2015
This year is going to be a trial for everyone, with some classes working in reduced spaces, others moving for the second time at the end of the year to new classrooms, and everyone showing great patience in dealing with the building work and the limitations this puts on all of us as we move into the age of Modern Learning environments.
Most teachers are now settled into their new spaces and ready for the arrival of children on Monday.
Everyone is excited about being back at school and it has been great to see a few children come to school and check out our changed environment and say hello to their teachers.
Some room numbers have changed but we will all learn these quickly and settle in to our new routines. Along with new classrooms we have a few new teachers to welcome to the school as well.
For me personally I will not have my own class this year but have taken the opportunity to fill the role of the classroom release teacher - I am excited about being able to work in all classes and across all levels. So an exciting year ahead for all including teachers, pupils and parents. A year that will require patience, tolerance and consideration from all of us.
Check out some of our new temporary structures, and our new empty spaces.