Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Welcome Back to Term 3

Well it's official, we are now half way through the year, time seems to be flying past to fast. This term we are looking at what an artist is and focusing on art, music, dance and events from the 1930s, 1960s and 1990s. Using some of the new technology we are lucky to now have at school we hope to create some informative posters and newspapers about these eras which we hope to share with you at the end of the term.

Sport is still happening over the next six weeks weather permitting although not looking good for this week. Ski trip in week 4 on the 11th of August so look out for notices in bags.

Lastly homework is now all online and needs to be in by Friday - if your child is unable to access internet at home then I am in my class form 8am in the morning, or in class at lunch-time for them to be able to complete their homework requirements.

I will be sharing this blog entry from Karen Boyes with my students. Really interesting life lessons.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Matariki  Celebration

Thanks to the generosity of our parent community we had so much kai for our hangi. We also had many helpers on the day who dug holes, organised the food, made up platters for classrooms, distributed food (thanks students from S7 for all your help with this) and then parents who cleaned up afterwards. A real team effort which took several days and lots of organisation.

Most importantly the kids loved it and it provided some real learning opportunities throughout the school. Here are just a few of the photos that were taken throughout the day.
Pouring with rain, but fire lit and burning well at about 5.30am.
Time for breakfast.
Burning hot, rain eased and pit almost ready.
It's a dirty job but someone has to do it.
A lot of meat, lining baskets with cabbage leaves, then covered with vegetables.

Food in the hangi just before 9am now needs to cook for 4 hours.
Mark, one our hardworking parents, keeping warm by the fire made from logs scraped out of the pit.

The great unveiling, lots of interest in this part of the process. Good timing too, as this was during lunchtime.

The smell was amazing and the parents worked like trojans to plate up food as quickly as possible.

A great big thanks to a lot of people who helped make this event successful, absolutely so many people who gave their time it is hard to name them all individually but special shout out to Matua Mark for organising the event Henie, Uncle Eddie and Mark who organised the hangi pit etc. and all those people who gave up their time to prepare, cook, plate up or clean. Kia Ora.